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Today almost all businesses have a website and more and more are getting websites each and every day. However, there are many questions you should ask a web designer before allowing them to build you a website. Not asking these questions could result in problems and if you are paying to have a website designed the last thing you want is for your site not to be the very best it can be. So, ask the following five questions to your web designer to make sure that the website you receive is the best for you overall.

Accessible Platforms

Ask your Boston website design team what platforms your website will be accessible on. Believe it or not that your site may be designed one way and not accessible on all platforms. Consider the individuals using handheld devices to access the web and whether or not you want your site designed for these individuals to access as well.

Legal Action

Ask your Boston web design company if anything on your site could result in legal action. The last thing you want is a lawsuit or some other legal problem over your web design so find out in advance if this could be a problem.


Using design methods like CSS or XHTML means you will save a lot of bandwidth; your site will download several times faster not to mention that you will save lots of money. So, make sure you ask your web designer what type of bandwidth will be used by your site and if CSS or XHTML are options. Your Boston web design company should be able to handle any of these and will let you know what will be best.


Search Engine Optimization is incredibly important and you will want to know what Boston SEO methods are available for your site. Basically, SEO means that your website content will be written in a manner that will help it rank higher in the search engines and get more hits. Find out from your web designer if the content is written by an SEO expert or not.


You will also want to find out if it will be easy to upgrade your site or not. The easier your site is to upgrade the better off you will be. So, consider paying a little more up front and having an easily upgradeable site that will save you money and time in the long haul.

Natalie Aranda is a freelance writer. Ask your Boston website design team what platforms your website will be accessible on. Believe it or not that your site may be designed one way and not accessible on all platforms. Ask your Boston web design company if anything on your site could result in legal action.
