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Defense Security Service

Perimeter defense is one of those buzzwords one hears in the home security industry. Perimeter defense simply means making it difficult for burglars to get close to your home. The most commonly seen perimeter defenses, of course, are high walls and fences. In many areas of the country, these walls and fences are the primary defense for the home, but it is important to consider their drawbacks as well as their benefits.

For instance, a high wall or sturdy fence may give the homeowner a false sense of security, and cause them to ignore other vital aspects of home protection, like proper lighting and a home alarm system. Often those who feel they have a strong perimeter defense system even become sloppy and forgetful about the most basic home security – keeping the doors and windows locked.

As you can see, perimeter defense is fine, but it is most effective when combined with other home security measures. If the fence or wall is the only means of home defense, once it is breached the burglar essentially has unfettered access to the home, its contents, and most importantly its occupants.

The most effective perimeter defenses are those that are difficult to penetrate, and those which are enhanced by the presence of cameras and motion detectors. These cameras and motion detectors will serve as advance warning that a burglar or other criminal is trying to breach the perimeter defenses, giving you time to react and notify the authorities.

Of course fences topped with razor wire or barbed wire will be much more difficult for burglars to climb over, but they can be ascetically displeasing as well. It is important to take the nature of the neighborhood, and the nature of the threat you face, into account when thinking about topping the security fence or wall with additional measures like barbed wire or razor wire. The better (and more attractive) solution, may be to use the security cameras and motion detectors we talked about earlier.

Of course these cameras and motion detectors only work if someone is monitoring them, so they work best in conjunction with a security monitoring system, or dedicated security staff. It is important to examine the need for perimeter defenses, and to combine those defenses with a strong alarm and monitoring system. Alarm companies may be able to offer some sort of monitoring service. If you plan to use security cameras atop your security fence, be sure to ask about monitoring options.

Brooke Sikula is a freelance writer based in Ventura, CA and writes on a wide range of topics from home improvement to credit repair and everything in between. She is a regular contributor to and For more information and advice on home security, check out
