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Free Criminal Record Search

These days, getting a free public criminal record on anyone, is as easy as turning on your computer. There is a wealth of information to be found on the internet, if you only know where to look. If you’re like I was, with no credit card to buy information with, take heart; most information can be found for free with just a little bit of effort.

Public Records

Due to the fact that most states have specific laws governing the release of information to the general public, free for the asking; getting a free public criminal record is quite easy. It is usually a simple matter of checking with the court website in the area the records you want are located.

Once you log onto the court website, run a search for a free public criminal record check and wait for the results. Most sites will offer you information on judgments, warrants, and liens with little or no problem. Inmate information is also available for free in most states. Some court systems will charge a nominal fee for printed records, or for access to an entire recode, but for the most part the information you will find on these sites is free of charge.

For a federal free public criminal record check, you will need to contact your local federal bureau of investigation. You will need to have all of the information about the person you want to check. Some free public criminal record sources require the person doing the requesting to be the same person that information is being requested about.

Another source of free public criminal record checks is your local police station. Go to your local police station and simply give them the information about the person you need to find a free public criminal record on. For free, or sometimes a very nominal fee, you can get warrant information, background information, and residential information.

Not So Free Public Criminal Record Checks

There are also a number of places where you can buy criminal information on anyone. This is not free public criminal record information, but is usually very accurate. Places like USSearch,, and private investigators can get you any information you want on anyone for a fee. Most of the average free public criminal record websites you will find, only offer incomplete information. Generally you will need to either pay a membership fee, or purchase the individual reports separately.

As long as you don’t mind doing a little research, either online or offline, it is relatively easy to find free public criminal record information. If you can’t find the information you need online, and the person you need information on is in your local area, try going down to your county seat courthouse, or one of your local police departments. From there, as long as you have the person’s general information, such as full name, birth date, and social security number, getting free public criminal record information should be easy.

Not everyone who asks for background information on a person will be allowed access to free public criminal information. And not everyone should. There is currently a debate surrounding a certain website that gathered free public criminal record information and posted it for all the world to see. This was done as a means to out informers and witnesses in court cases, so there is a chance that they will be shut down, as it has endangered the lives of many. As long as your motives are pure though, you should be able to obtain the free public criminal record information you need without any difficulty.

You came here looking for help getting you the information you need. Click now for a free public criminal record search!
