It could be a deserted street at night with feet hurrying behind you. A situation where you're alone with a stranger (or even someone you know). A bar where you get dragged (unwillingly) into a fight.
Or maybe you just want an injection of more self confidence. To be able to walk tall. And feel good within yourself.
Or maybe you're a smaller man or woman. Boy or girl. And you've had enough of everyone picking on you.
Whatever your reasons, mastering self defense moves means you can handle any dangerous situation (and get out alive). Or beat off any attacker.
But which self defense techniques are right for you? And what's the best way of learning. After all there are all sorts of DVD's, videos, classes, schools and books available to the budding martial artist.
Firstly before you charge off and spend any money ask yourself some important questions;
What is the time commitment? If you've got a busy schedule (work, family other interests) then can you really fit it in. A sudden burst of enthusiasm now might turn into regret a few weeks down the road.
What are the costs of taking self defense? Will you need to buy any special clothing?
How do you best learn new things? Do you need somebody to explain every last detail to you? Or can you see a move and replicate it almost immediately?
Will you be able to do these self defense techniques yourself and use them when (if) they're needed? After all many of these techniques rely on different elements such as speed, nimbleness, flexibility, and to a certain extent strength.
There are so many different martial art disciplines available nowadays. You need to discover the one which is best suited to you. And stick to it. Doing so will reward you in many ways. Both in increased fitness and self confidence.